Labor Day Stain Advice!

We hope you have a great Labor day weekend, filled with our favorites like hamburgers, hotdogs, ribs, etc!

But be warned, with all of these holiday favorites, comes the sauces…mustard, ketchup, barbecue sauce, to name but a few! And when these get on your clothes, you may need to know the best advice we can give you… Leave the the stain alone, and bring it to us on Tuesday 3rd September. If you try to get the stain out, you may set the stain in which makes our job more difficult, and could even result in us not being able to get the stain out 😦

The stain you should keep an eye out for most is the yellow mustard stain. It’s the hardest to remove because of the turmeric spice that gives it the yellow color and adds to mustard’s pungent flavor, it can also be almost impossible to remove from clothes. For ketchup and barbecue sauce while not normally too bad if just by themselves, once mixed with the oils and grease from meat, it adds another dimension to the complexity of a stain.

So if after your wonderful BBQ and fun filled Labor day weekends, you notice various stains in “dry-clean only” clothing; these should come straight to DeLuxe. For “washable” items, do the same. But if you are insistent on cleaning them at home, always pre-treat them before washing at home ( be careful not to rub the stain, as it may make it worse). If the stains do not come out after their first go around in the washing machine, don’t put in the dryer because otherwise the stain will set. Instead, try pre-treating and washing it again.
For any stains that are particularly large or that you’re having trouble removing, bring them in to us at DeLuxe Dry Cleaners New Orleans with your other dry clean only items!




Don’t forget to let your Sun Screen dry this weekend!

We’ll be closed on Labor day (next Monday) and we just wanted to remind y’all that when applying Sun Screen, it’s vital to wait an adequate amount of time to allow it to dry before we put on your clothing! Otherwise, this often leads to stains and discoloration in your bathing suits and favorite summer outfits.

So, the best advice we can give you to avoid getting the stains is to make sure that what you’ve applied is dry before putting on any swimwear or your favorite clothing! But if you follow these instructions, and still get stains or discoloration in your clothes (not swimwear) bring the item(s) to us here at DeLuxe Dry Cleaners New Orleans as soon as your can!

DeLuxe Dry Cleaners New Orleans Beach Bathing Suit

I want to get a tan… But I keep getting Sun Screen on my clothes!

Asides from the Rain we keep getting, it’s hot and sunny here in New Orleans… Meaning we all want to achieve that Greek God/Goddess bronze color in the summer, and while the sun help us achieve that look, we have have to wear sun screen to be safe. But the common mistake we all make when applying it, is not waiting an adequate amount of time to allow it to dry before we put on our clothing! This often leads to stains and discoloration in our bathing suits and favorite summer outfits.

So, the best advice we can give you to avoid getting the stains is to make sure that what you’ve applied is dry before putting on any swimwear or your favorite clothing! But if you follow these instructions, and still get stains or discoloration in your clothes (not swimwear) bring the item(s) to us here at DeLuxe Dry Cleaners New Orleans as soon as your can!
DeLuxe Dry Cleaners New Orleans Sun Screen

Just out of Curiosity… Should you Dry Clean your Bathing suit?

The answer is no.

Swimsuits are designed for wear in Water, and that’s what cleans them best! Some women spend a lot of money on their bathing suits and it has special embellishments or finer fabrics. They think that bringing it to us here at DeLuxe Dry Cleaners New Orleans will help it last longer, but in actuality it doesn’t. It’s best to wash your bathing suit at home by hand in cool water or in your washing machine on a low setting. Then hang it, and leave it to air dry.

Tumble drying your suit on low is not a good idea, as it will only lead to damaging the suit faster. The chemicals used in Dry Cleaning are too harsh for the synthetic fibers used in most bathing suits and can cause irreparable damage to a suit. Ironing and bleaching are also major ‘no no’s’ when it comes to your swim wear!

Also, don’t forget that if Salt water if it is not rinsed out right after you use your bathing suit, it can also quickly cause damage. So please remember, it’s very important to clean your suits with fresh water after going into the ocean!

DeLuxe Dry Cleaners New Orleans Bathing Suit

Did you know we repair Furs? What about Fur Rugs?!

This rug was brought to us by a customer whose Wife is from England. It was made by her Grandfather who was London’s Premier Furrier. It had seen better days when it was brought in, but luckily for them. We’re the best at what we do! A (lot) of repairs, and a good cleaning later and it looks as good as the day it was created! Please enjoy our Gallery of before and after pictures.